2nd Annual Jonny's Superhero 5K
Online Registration for the 2023 race OPENING SOON
Adult - $25.00 online / $30.00 on site
Student - $20.00 online / $25.00 on site
​Child - $15.00 online / $25.00 on site
Race Details
Overall 1st, 2nd & 3rd place male/female
​1st place in age groups:
10 & under
The shirt deadline is the end of the day on September 5th
Course Map

Charity Information
Jonny was born on October 7th 2017. He is the youngest of two; his older brother Bobby being just 14 months older. Bobby and Jonny were best friends from the beginning and soon didn’t know life without each other. Jonny looked up to his big brother and wanted to do anything he was doing. Their favorite things to do together were swim, ride bikes, and ride their power wheels around the yard having little snack breaks in the back of their “vehicles”. Jonny had a green John Deer tractor. Their favorite time of day was tubby time. They would slide down the back of the tub and soak the bathroom walls giggling the whole time. After tub they would run around naked and dance making their mom laugh but crazy at the same time. They were truly the light of her life.
Jonny was all boy. He loved being outside and often took risks just to get a reaction. He loved banging nails and would be occupied for hours with his daddy’s leaf blower. Jonny loved doing yard work and taking quad rides with his Dad. Jonny however was a mamas boy through and through. He always needed to know where his mom was and didn’t go far from her side. His Dad would often ask him if he wanted to go back in her belly. Jonny spent a lot of time with family and his Mimi was second to his mom. Jonny had Mimi wrapped around his finger; which wasn’t hard because he was so incredibly handsome.
Jonny did so much in just 3.9 years. He rode a two wheel bike by 2 and could figure out how to turn on and off anything with a button. He was often called “ button boy”. Jonny loved going on family vacations and enjoyed being on the beach. He would push around his big dump truck collecting rocks to bring home. Jonny was shy but once comfortable he was silly and so sweet. He loved being with the kids in the neighborhood and often took a liking to babies squeezing their cheeks and kissing them. Jonny played hard to get and would make you work for his adorable smile. But once you got him; you fell in love. He loved uncrustables and would eat 3 in one sitting. The last thing he ate was a snow cone with all the flavors. He was so happy that day.
Jonny tragically lost his life due to an undetected ruptured brain aneurysm. There was no symptoms or warning which has left so many unanswered questions.
Jonny was truly larger then life.
Our family is completely shattered with the loss of Jonny and everyday we struggle to comprehend how we will go on without him. We continue to honor him in so many ways and we pray he is looking down proud of how we honor him.
To date we have started the Jonny Hackett Memorial Fund which provides Jonny Bags to families in the ICU. These bags provide comfort and care to children and families who are facing unexpected stays in the hospital. We could not continue this foundation without the support of the community and friends and family. This year we are adding a superhero 5K as an annual event. Jonny loved to wear a cape and run around so that’s what we will do for him.